Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What's My Next Tattoo - You Decide!

At the end of this year I'll be getting another nerd tattoo. Because I'm up in the air on what aspect of my misspent youth I want to celebrate next, I'm leaving it up to you, my faithful reader(s), to decide. Here are raw images of the choices -- which are approximations of what I'm thinking of, but in no way represent the final art:

The Shield of He-Man


Comics Code Authority Seal

You can vote via the poll below my bio, on the right hand side of this page. Polling will close on November 30th, 2009 at 9:00AM. (My 33rd Birthday.) I'll get the ink sometime in mid-December. I'll post updates on the art as they're available -- or, if you're an artist, and you want to take a stab at interpreting either of these iconic emblems e-mail your designs to


  1. Of the two, I like the Comics Code Authority, but I must insist on a smurf tattoo before you shed this mortal coil.

  2. Dude, Smurf Life! Got it in December...

  3. Comics Code, I insist.


  4. Shield of He-Man.
